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Contact Us

CaVSa H & F
Community and Volunteer Sector Association Hammersmith and Fulham

164-166 King Street
London W6 0QU

020 8748 6345


North Fulham NDC

143 Lillie Road
London SW6 7SX

020 7471 0340


Technical Support for Key Tutor Success

Stephan Luis

07962 44 2710


The Key Tutor Success Software

The Key Tutor Success web application idea was conceptualised by Stephan Luis and Marcus Harris for the North Fulham NDC. It has now been developed for group lessons and is provided by CaVSA through the supplementary schools network.

The application is accessed on the web and guides tutors in developing a ten lesson plan to address common weaknesses and develop strengths for primary and secondary students attending supplementary schools.

Web based technology is used to communicate the students' and tutors' progress through automated reports to heads of the schools and to the student's parents. SMS text messages are sent to the students two hours prior to the lessons to remind them of the importance of their attendance.

The North Fulham NDC reported to central government direct evidence of students progress by logging of the lesson reports. Voluntary sector associations and supplementary schools are using the software to show their contribution to students education.